Train-O-Matic Train-O-Matic Smart Power Pack (SPP-N) Energy Buffer
Our very affordable Smart Power Packs come with a supercapacitor, giving you several seconds of extra power to keep on running on dirty tracks.
Connects to all Train-O-Matic decoders, ESU decoders with connection for a PowerPack, Lenz Gold with USP connection and any decoder supporting the three wire connection for an energy buffer.
There are two versions: SPP - Supercapacitor is fitted on top of board
SPP-N - A smaller supercapacitor is fitted behind the board.
In real world use, both supercapacitors give a few seconds of extra power, no matter its size.
For instructions, follow the manual of your decoder.
For Train-O-Matic see higher on this page.
SPP Size: ca 21 x 10 x 13.5 mm Size Supercapacitor: 8.2 x 12 mm
SPP-N Size (inc. capacitor): ca 33 x 9.4 x 6.5 mm Size Supercapacitor: 6.5 x 11.8 mm
The idea of Digitrains was conceived over the dinner table and grew very slowly as doubts calmed missionary zeal. We finally took the plunge in January 2005 and are fortunate to be dealers for some of the best and most user friendly DCC equipment available.